(Scoring Electronic Music)
Developer, 2021, Photocopy on paper, 29.7 x 42 cm
The translation from sound to vision is demonstrated within the processes of making. Using the xerox printer, each piece is carefully composed. Working through analogue processes of drawing and collage, the compositions are then manipulated, subverted, distorted and replicated using the mechanical means of the printer. The element of chance is high, each piece comes out different to the last each is an individual replication. The materials used are simple and calculated: black pen and electrical tape, layered with acetate prints. The use of black and white reminds the viewer of conventional music notation. All the materials are assemble into one composition in the photocopier, this becomes a central feature of my work. Carrying with them their environment into their composition, the sonic noise and fuzz of the machine mirrors the mechanical sounds of electronic music. These mechanical sounds of the xerox printer became the soundtrack to my works, binding them to their process.